As with every service, you should not rely on our data as 100% accurate. We are not responsible for any errors or wrong data. You need to look on our data as strong hints that some niche is weak.
Before engaging with some niche you need to do your own research to confirm our numbers.
Data validity and sources
Here you can find a list of our data providers and sources:
- Domain and Network (official sellers.json file for each network)
- Traffic (custom solution from dozen of public sources)
- DA (MOZ proprietary metric)
- Number of backlinks (provided by MOZ)
- Indexed pages on Google (provided by SerpDog and SerpAPI)
- Age (Official whois servers of each TLD)
- Category and tags by Chat GPT classification)
Header bidding networks in our database
List of header bidding networks and their sites in our database:
- Ezoic
- Mediavine
- AdThrive
- Monumetric
- MonetizeMore
- AdApex
- AdPushup
- Ascendeum
- Cignal
- Didna
- Freestar
- Insticator
- Lupon Media
- Newor Media
- Nitropay
- Playwire
- Pubwise
- SheMedia
- Snigel
- TheMoneytizer
- ValueImpression
- Venatus Media
- Yield Bird
If you wish specific network added add their sites analyzed send us a message via the contact page.